More than just a payment processing company
Higher Standards is committed to making a difference in the lives of those in need – both in our community and around the world. Being a family-owned company, one of our greatest passions is helping children and families.

Our primary focus is helping people
Because we are blessed, it is our goal to always be involved in the world around us and share our blessings with others
Our mission is simple – to reach out, touch lives, and make a difference
As our name implies, Higher Standards are what we believe in, reflected in both our business practices and our involvement in the community. With our GIVE BACK FOR BUSINESS program, we work with participating business owners in your congregation or donor base and donate a percentage of OUR profit from those businesses directly to your ministry or charity.
Here’s how it works. When a business owner agrees to utilize our credit processing services and signs up for the GIVE BACK FOR BUSINESS program, a portion of the profit from their account goes directly to your church or nonprofit, instead of the profit going to their current payment processor. All you have to do is connect the business owner with one of our associates. We’ll take care of everything else.

A Message of Hope
With all the chaos in the world, there is hope. Whether you are concerned for the starving children across the globe or you simply feel unloved, there is hope.
My prayer for you is that you consider having Jesus Christ in your life. If you are hopeless and you think it cannot get any better, there really is a higher power that can help. There is a message that has been preached for two thousand years; the message of salvation. Jesus laid down his life, the ultimate sacrifice, so that you and I could live! You can take the step of asking Jesus to forgive you of your sins and ask Him to come into your heart and be Lord of your life.
I know this may sound simple and maybe you are asking yourself, “Will this really help?” My answer is YES. Does this mean everything is going to be wonderful and perfect? No, but you will have a closeness with God like you have never had in your life and you’ll experience true love. Let me ask you a question… If you die today, do you know where you are going to spend eternity? Have you ever wondered why you were put on this earth? Just suppose you were put here for one reason- to choose life or death.
Please understand this is not a hell fire and damnation message. It is very simple. God loves you and he wants to spend forever with you. You can only do this one way.
Jesus says, ”I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Do you know of any other person that has ever made a statement like that? I pray you consider a personal relationship with Jesus. It will completely change your life.
I wish you well and may God Bless You!
Dick Carbone
CEO/Founder, Higher Standards
Some of the ministries we support

30 Days Foundation
The 30-Days Foundation celebrates the simple act of kindness by providing people in real-life financial jams with a one-time financial grant.

The Life Center
Inner City Christian Ministries Life Center is an organization providing a place of refuge, fellowship and healing to people in need in the inner city.

Glorybound is a family restoration center that ministers directly to families of men and women in treatment programs who are struggling through the ravages of drug and alcohol abuse.

Lavego is a community of like-minded people who are coming together to make a difference in the lives of others and in the world we live in.

Healing Haiti
Healing Haiti is a faith-inspired, mission nonprofit working to help the impoverished people of Haiti with a focus on children and families.

Centershot Ministries
Centershot Ministries (CsM) is a non-denominational outreach program that shares the Gospel of Jesus using the life-skill of archery. CsM does this by partnering and equipping the local church to use this amazing tool to reach the community around it.

Feed My Starving Children
Feed My Starving Children is a nonprofit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s starving children, hungry in body and spirit.

Life Rebuilders
Life Rebuilders is a non-profit Christian organization that exists to provide Housing and Programs for adult men and women through a variety of ministries that include: A Work Release Program in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Corrections as a licensed and contracted agency. Transitional Housing that provides short-term & long-term housing and care solutions for men who have been released from prisons, treatment centers or who are homeless. Adult Foster Care that provides long-term care solutions for women and men who have been released from prisons and treatment centers or who are homeless. Independent Sober Living Housing for men who are committed to living a renewed and transformed life.

Bolder Options
Bolder Options is an activity-based, one-to-one youth mentoring program. We use running and biking, academic goal-setting, and volunteerism to build self-esteem and to encourage healthy habits in 10 − 14 year old youth.

Feed the Children
Feed The Children is a nonprofit relief organization delivering food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to people who lack these due to famine, war, poverty, or natural disaster.

Breaking Free Ministries
Breaking Free is non-profit organization that exists to provide housing, education, services and hope to exploited women and girls.

International Justice Mission
Every day, countless people are sold into slavery, as slave owners make a profit off their misery.
International Justice Mission is a global organization with a plan to eliminate the slave trade everywhere.